Sent Coordinates functionality
If you want to make sure that your routes for vehicles with special goods are successfully forwarded to SENT system, you can check it in SENT-GEO integration tab. There is a specific column labeled 'Last coordinate successfully sent' for each vehicle. This column indicates the most recent time when the vehicle's coordinates were successfully delivered to the Polish SENT system.
Also, Mapon provides a map displaying the geographical coordinates of the vehicle sent to SENT-GEO.
The map illustrates the following:
Vehicle route on the selected day;
Successfully sent coordinates;
Inactive declaration, possibly due to the absence of an active customs declaration for the vehicle.
How to view and export sent coordinates
To view and export coordinates that were sent to SENT-GEO:
Click the map icon in the 'Sent coordinates' column for the specific vehicle
Select a date when vehicle was driving through Poland
The map will load vehicle's route and successful, dropped coordinates due to inactive declaration for that day
To export coordinates, click EXPORT CSV at the top, and the file will be downloaded to your computer