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FAQ: SENT-GEO (Poland)
Updated over a week ago

How can I check if my route was shared with SENT-GEO?

If you want to make sure that your route was forwarded to SENT system, you can use Sent Coordinates functionality in the SENT-GEO integration tab.

Why my routes are not being sent to SENT-GEO if I have successfully registered my car?

It is mandatory to switch on Data forwarding after successful car registration and before your vehicle enters Poland.

Also, you need to make sure, that you have declared your freight in SENT system, otherwise your routes will be dropped due to inactive declaration.

Do I have to pay for SENT-GEO integration usage?

No, at the moment we are providing this feature for all our clients for free if they have full package called PRO.

Why my routes are not forwarded to SENT-GEO and are not visible on Mapon?

If you receive notifications that your route was not delivered or you see that your routes are missing on Mapon, then there might be GPS signal issues or your device is currently out of mobile network coverage. In the worst case, there might be some technical issue with a device or its connection to the vehicle battery.

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