To get started, you will need to obtain an authorization key from our platform, create and configure a data export account from TrailerConnect, and choose which trailers you want to activate.
1. Obtain our authorization key
On our platform:
Go to
Integrations ➡ Schmitz Cargobull.
Click the Activate Integration button on the top right.
Review the integration and pricing terms, and mark the checkbox to agree.
Copy the authorization key — you’ll need it to set up TrailerConnect in the next steps.
2. Create a Data Export account
After obtaining our authorization key, follow the next steps:
Log in to your company's TrailerConnect account.
Navigate to "DMC" section, select "Export endpoints" subsection and click the "+" button
Find and select Mapon in the Provider list.
Select the data you want to send from your units to our platform. We suggest to select all data available — the more data types you choose, the more information will be visible on our platform.
When prompted for authorization details, enter the key provided by our platform.
Then you will need to select which vehicles you want to forward to our platform. We suggest to just click "Select all vehicles" (but if you want to select specific units, click "Select individual vehicles").
Additionally, click "Send trip data" and "Send TAPA messages".
After successful data export and account creation, the trailers should automatically be displayed in the "Schmitz Cargobull integration" section of our platform. This process may be gradual and could take some time, depending on how quickly the trailers start sending data.
📘 Not all trailers may appear immediately, and they might not show up all at once. The process can take some time. Each trailer will appear in the table after sending their next data update to TrailerConnect.
For moving trailers, the data is sent every 15 minutes.
For stationary trailers, the data is sent every 24 hours.
3. Choose which trailers to activate
Once the previous steps are completed, the trailers will be visible in our platform. You can then activate them to start viewing and managing them as part of your fleet on our platform.
When you activate a trailer, a new unit will be created in the platform, and a unit subscription pack will be added, increasing your monthly fee.
✅ To activate multiple trailers at once, check the boxes next to each trailer or select the top checkbox to mark all, then click ACTIVATE.
Once activated, we will begin collecting data for the trailer, and it will be visible on our platform. The trailer will appear on the Online Map and in all other relevant sections.
🔔 To deactivate a trailer, click the DEACTIVATE button in the table. You can also deactivate multiple trailers by using the checkboxes to select several rows or by selecting the top checkbox to mark all, then clicking DEACTIVATE.