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How to review and share 'Vehicle Inspection' results
Updated over 2 weeks ago
  1. Go to the Vehicle Inspections in Fleet Management.

  2. Use the filter options to search for the inspection by vehicle or scroll through the table to locate the inspection you want to review and click the VIEW button to open the detailed inspection report.

  3. At the top of the inspection report, you will see key details about the vehicle and the person who performed the inspection.

  4. Then follows all the information filled in by the employee or driver, including any attachments such as photos or documents.

  5. If there were any previously reported damages, you’ll find a link to the corresponding inspection. The current status of the damage will be shown if it hasn’t been manually marked as repaired from the WEB platform.

  6. If there was some damage reported, click the MARK AS REPAIRED button to mark it as repaired or REPAIRED button - if the damage is marked as repaired in error.

  7. To share the inspection externally, click the EXPORT (.PDF) button. Once the PDF file is generated, a red pop-up will appear on the screen, allowing you to download and share the report.

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