When a vehicle with cameras is added to another account on Mapon Platform, camera-related features like Livestream, Events, and Memory Card access are disabled by default. However, the owning Mapon account admin or user with the appropriate permissions can grant this access.
Grant access
To enable camera feature access for the Mapon account where the vehicle is added:
Go to
Cameras → Camera settings.
Use the Search field to locate the vehicle for which you want to share camera access.
Click the Settings button on the right side of the vehicle record in the table.
In the pop-up window, open the Camera details tab.
At the bottom of the camera's channel list, locate the Remote access to recordings for authorized company option and check the Enable box.
Click Update to save the changes.
Confirm access sharing in the pop-up message by clicking Enable.
🔔 Keep in mind! Sharing access to a vehicle's camera data includes all features: Livestream, Events, and Memory Card.
The authorized account will also have access to all previous events and recordings available on the Camera's Memory Card.
Cancel access
🚨 The company with the vehicle as an additional car should download important events from the Events section and records from the Downloaded files in the Memory Card section to a PC or other external storage before camera access is revoked or the vehicle is removed from their account, as saved events and files will be deleted from the platform.
To cancel camera feature access for the Mapon account where the vehicle is added:
Return to the same vehicle's Camera details window in the Camera settings section.
Uncheck the Enable box in the Remote access to recordings for authorized company option.
📘 Changes to camera access will apply to all Mapon accounts where the vehicle is added.