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Why is the driver incorrect or missing?
Updated over a week ago

In situations in which you see that you are missing a driver or the wrong driver is displayed, it is important to determine what type of driver authorization are you using in your company.

There are the following types of driver assignment on Mapon:

  • manually through the WEB platform by the Mapon user;

  • manually by the driver in the Mapon Go app;

  • by receiving data from the tachograph;

  • using a physical RFID (Radio-frequency identification) card and reader that is connected to a tracking device.

🚨 Using multiple types of authorization for drivers in vehicles will result in incorrect authorization and displaying the wrong driver in the route history.

Choose your assignment type to see what are possible reasons for the incorrect information to be displayed:

Using WEB platform

If the driver assignment is being performed from the WEB platform only, then the reason for missing or wrong driver can be other user actions that has access to this vehicle.
To see driver changes, you can check that in the driver history. It can be opened from the Vehicle Data Panel screen if you press on the pencil icon next to the driver field:

Once you see the time of when the changes were made, you will be able to understand what could be the cause and check those changes together with your colleagues.

πŸ”” Do not forget! If you are using driver assignment in some other way as well, please, make sure, that assignment or driver unlinking was not caused by the other assignment way.

Using Mapon GO

First scenario

If you are using Mapon Go for your business to do driver authorization in the vehicle, then the first reason that may cause 'no driver' situation is Vehicle auto removal option that has been turned on by the Mapon Go user. By enabling this option each time when the vehicle stops and the period that was set for auto removal has passed, driver gets unlinked from the vehicle automatically.

To prevent this situation, you will need to contact your driver who has enabled this feature and ask him to switch it off or increase the period for auto removal.

Example on Android

🚨 There are no ways to adjust these settings remotely and without involving Mapon Go user.

Second Scenario

Sometimes drivers who are using Mapon Go want to check information about vehicles they are not driving at the moment. They go to their Mapon Go account and select the vehicle. If that vehicle is driving and the other driver has been assigned before, this action will remove the driver once the vehicle stops and the driver who has currently selected the vehicle in his Mapon Go account will be shown as the one driving it.

Currently there is no way how to prevent this in times drivers are using Mapon Go, because it would mean that client has to restrict access to vehicles or force drivers to unselect the vehicle once they have finished thier route or work.

Please instruct your drivers that they should only select vehicles in the Mapon Go app as part of their duties. All driving related statistics can be viewed without selecting a vehicle.

Third Scenario

If the driver has forgotten to select the vehicle in the Mapon Go app before he started driving, he will not be assigned to that route. He will be displayed only after the first stop.

This means that if you are using authorization in the Mapon Go app, your employees and drivers should select the vehicle before the route has started.

πŸ”” Do not forget! If you are using driver assignment in some other way as well, please, make sure, that assignment or driver unlinking was not caused by the other assignment way.

Using Tachograph data

If the tracking device is connected to the tachograph and Mapon gets either live data or it gets information from the remotely downloaded tachograph file, vehicle driver will be updated based on the data that Mapon gets from the tachograph.

First Scenario

If your tracking device, connection type and tachograph model allows to see live data of the tachograph, then driver updates on Mapon will happen according to the driver card changes in the tachograph.

If the driver has not inserted his driver card in the tachograph's first driver card slot or there are some other technical issues, Mapon will display previous driver or no driver at all.

Second Scenario

If your tracking device, connection type or tachograph model does not allow you to see live data of the tachograph, but you are able to run remote tachograph file downloads, your driver will be always updated once the driver card tachograph file is downloaded.

In case you see unexpected driver change, it means that there could be a driver file download that caused driver changes. In this case, it means that there was incorrect driver before the remote tachograph file download was performed.
In times you have only remote downloads available, we suggest to use alternative driver assignment process in order to avoid unclear driver changes while the route is being performed.

πŸ”” Do not forget! If you are using driver assignment in some other way as well, please, make sure, that assignment or driver unlinking was not caused by the other assignment way.

Using physical card

Mapon provides also a solution for driver authorization in the vehicles using physical RFID cards.

Using this solution minimizes any human mistakes in a driver assignment process, because there can be only technical issues or incorrect actions during authorization.

Here are the most likely reasons for incorrect driver or no driver in the vehicle in case of RFID usage:

  • driver has not registered his RFID card;

  • driver RFID card's iButton ID is not entered in the driver's profile;

  • driver took card away from the reader too quickly;

  • driver forgot to register his RFID card after a stop;

  • driver's card is damaged;

  • tracking device or the reader are not functioning due to low temperature or other technical reason.

πŸ”” Do not forget! If you are using driver assignment in some other way as well, please, make sure, that assignment or driver unlinking was not caused by the other assignment way.

βœ… If you have faced a situation where the incorrect driver was registered, you can adjust driver in the report called 'Routes'.

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