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How does manual Driver assignment work
Updated over a week ago

How does manual assignment work

This type of driver assignment is available by default to all clients that have access to the Drivers section.

Linking a driver to a vehicle in this case is only possible in the WEB version of Mapon with the appropriate user access rights.

How to assign driver

There are three ways how you can link a driver to a car (in the Vehicle Data Panel, in the Vehicle settings, or in the Driver profile), but the most convenient and easiest is through the Vehicle Data Panel:

  1. Find vehicle in the list on the left side of the Map screen or select it on the map

  2. Find the Set driver button or current driver name and press on the pencil icon on the right

  3. In the pop-up window press Change and select the driver from the dropdown list

  4. Once you have assigned the driver click SAVE

Common issues

If the driver assignment is being performed from the WEB platform only, then the reason for missing or wrong driver can be other user actions that has access to this vehicle.
To see driver changes, you can check that in the driver history. It can be opened from the Vehicle Data Panel screen if you press on the pencil icon next to the driver field:

Once you see the time of when the changes were made, you will be able to understand what could be the cause and check those changes together with your colleagues.

πŸ”” Do not forget! If you are using driver assignment in some other way as well, please, make sure, that assignment or driver unlinking was not caused by the other assignment way.

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