Setup in Mapon
To integrate TIMOCOM with Mapon, follow these steps:
Log in to your Mapon account.
Navigate to
Integrations → Timocom.
Click on the Create user button at the top right.
Create a Username and Password, which will be used later for integration in TIMOCOM.
Click Create to save the credentials.
📘 To edit or delete credentials, go to Integrations → Timocom and use the corresponding button next to the credentials.
Setup in TIMOCOM
Once you have created your credentials in Mapon, proceed with the setup in TIMOCOM:
Log in to your TIMOCOM account.
Go to Vehicle Management → GPS Management.
Click on "+ Add provider" to register a new GPS provider.
Select Mapon from the list of available providers.
Enter the login credentials you created previously in Mapon.
Click Add to confirm the integration.
📘 Ensure your vehicles are visible and trackable in TIMOCOM. If not, refresh, wait, or verify credentials.