27 articles
How does the 'Online Map' section work?
What is ... ?
Discover key features and concepts
What is 'Vehicle Data Panel'?
What is a 'Tracking link' used for?
What is 'Driving rating' in the Vehicle Data Panel?
What is 'Simple route planning'?
What are 'Planned routes' in the Routes tab?
What is the 'red pause icon' for in a selected route?
What do the icons next to distance and fuel values mean?
How to ...
Master tasks with clear instructions
How to set, change, or remove a driver from a vehicle with the Data Panel
How to add, change, or remove a Trailer on a vehicle
How to favourite or unfavourite vehicles
How to plan a route with 'Simple Route Planning'
How to change the type of map
How to switch between map layers
How to create an object from the Online Map
How to add a 'stop' on a route previously taken
How to access the 'Vehicle Settings' from the Online Map
How to view parameter changes along a route
How to create a 'Tracking link'
How to see which driver performed a route
How to customize the Vehicle list and Data panel
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Why is there a difference between GPS and odometer distance readings?
Why can't I plan more routes with 'Route planning'?
Why does the driver change if I have changed it manually?
Why can't I edit a 'Planned route'?
How does the Control device feature in the Vehicle data panel work?